Major Banks Analysis
Half Year Results and Hot Topic: Breaking Through

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Hot Topic: Transformation

Hear from Chloe Hawcroft, Director Culture, Leadership, Diversity & Inclusion from AMP, on the hot topic of transformation. Chloe answers tough questions including why is it so hard, how can we energise people, do we need to think differently about transformation and thoughts on the workforce of the future.

Duration: 00:04:38

Breaking through, four critical behaviours to gain traction with urgent strategic change

As identified in our major banks analysis below, it’s a new era for banking. In this new environment, how can institutions ensure they focus on preparing for the future, whilst resolving the problems of the past and present?

In this Hot Topic, we describe four critical behaviours at the heart of execution and change and consider what they mean in this new era.

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The start of a new era for Australian banking

The major banks delivered a surprisingly solid set of half year financial results, however the figures only reinforce that the fundamental long-term headwinds facing the industry continue to gather pace. Increasingly difficult lending conditions, slowing credit growth, and signs that the credit quality cycle is turning are setting the scene for a new era of banking in Australia.

Download Half Year Analysis

Major Banks Analysis Highlights

Notable items have been the main driver of movement between halves. Excluding these, earnings are down slightly hoh (-0.4%) and more substantially pcp (-3.2%).

Earnings rose hoh, but fell versus pcp while capital rose in both periods in line with the need to meet ‘unquestionably strong’ capital requirements.

Almost entirely driven by customers switching to lower-margin home loan products. Deposit and wholesale funding costs remain stable but with potential to fall in the period ahead. Notwithstanding falling NIM, total net interest income rose to $31.8b, up 0.6% hoh and down 0.6% pcp.


The efforts in cost reduction have helped reduce the ratio, although modest revenue growth is making this a challenge.

Bad debt expense rose hoh and down pcp, marking the first time in three years that falling credit losses were not accretive to movement in earnings.



Contact us

Colin Heath

Banking and Capital Markets Leader, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 3 8603 0137

Jim Christodouleas

Banking and Capital Markets Solutions and Capability Leader, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 3 8603 2065

Sam Garland

Banking and Capital Markets Leader, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 3 8603 0639