Our testing specialists can provide detailed testing assessments and advice - covering your testing strategies, plans, management, execution and reporting of testing. These reviews are particularly important when:
When testing is not going to plan, you need a circuit breaker to get testing back on track.
Specific areas of focus include assessing:
- Appropriateness of overall test strategy and approach
- sufficiency of testing coverage (particularly in the areas that really need it)
- Robustness of test cases/scripts preparation
- Efficiency and effectiveness of test execution processes
- Efficiency and effectiveness of defect triage and governance processes
- Clarity and effectiveness of test reporting
- Opportunities/options to improve testing outcomes
PwC has access to a large number of tools to assist in our review and advice activity, including:
- Better practice test strategies, plans, progress and completion reports - to provide immediate guidance as to better practice
- Test reporting/trajectory insights - so you can see where your testing timelines are heading
- Project perspectives sentiment tool - so you can find out how your people are feeling