The volume and variety of data has increased exponentially in recent years, revolutionising decision-making. Intuition is no longer acceptable for executives when making big decisions. The real challenge comes in converting data into a more comprehensible and user-friendly format, creating actionable insights and applying these to transform your organisation.
Digital disruption is dramatically challenging traditional business models and operations across all industries and professions and the audit profession has adapted and evolved to the digital era. We harness the power of new user-friendly digital technologies and data repositories to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and business value of audits. Using digital technologies and data analytics techniques we do whole population analysis to improve accuracy and quality, intelligent algorithms to identify and predict what matters, software that allows users to visualize large amounts of data, analytic techniques to interrogate large amounts of data for testing, and use of real-time and continuous monitoring techniques.
We work with our clients to deliver crucial insight through data analytics and data visualisation. We also use data to transform external and internal audit approaches by embedding data analytics through the entire audit lifecycle. We also help establish the right controls, processes and structures to ensure that decisions are based on accurate information.
Financial Processes Analyser (FPA) provides navigation across 100% of key financial processes in one integrated application. Putting business users at the centre, it enables you to navigate through the application by identifying areas of focus such as: employee spends, behaviour patterns and vendor performance summary.
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