Partners admitted 2017

Open to solving the problems that matter to Australia.

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Partners Admitted 2017

Open to solving the problems that matter to Australia.

Meet our partners admitted in 2017

Adrian Chotar
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"My goal is to help navigate the impact of digital transformation through building trust and realising the opportunities and benefits arising from emerging technologies"

Amanda McIntyre
Consulting, Canberra

"I dream that I will see the problem of gender inequality solved in my lifetime and am resolutely committed to contributing through personal leadership and creating workplaces that empower women"

Amy Plowman
Consulting, Sydney

"Every day two women under 40 are diagnosed with breast cancer. Having recently overcome the disease, I am passionate about helping other young women who have beaten the odds resume their career with confidence"

Andrew Weekes
Consulting, Melbourne

"My vision is to contribute to technology initiatives that drive sustainable safer cities supported by high-producing and growing regional centres"

Andrew Farr
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"My goal is to simplify compliance with Australia's fair work standards, so workers are paid a fair day's pay for a fair day's work"

Anitra Gollings
Consulting, Sydney

"I am passionate about fast and efficient delivery of reliable, people focussed technology solutions that solve real business problems"

Annalie Mitchelson
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I'd like to see the process for international child adoptions fortified and streamlined so the world's most vulnerable children can get into the loving arms of a waiting family quickly and safely"

Anthony Mittelmark
Clients & Strategy, Melbourne

"I would like to assist clients to move faster and think differently about new value in order to create genuine customer centric advantage"

Ashley Poke
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"Access to justice, in its broadest sense, is an issue for all of us in a civil society, from individuals to our largest businesses. It is vitally important that all participants in our society have access to fair and efficient ways to resolve important issues"

Ben Craw
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I believe everyone should have the ability to access tasty, authentic, safe and convenient food"

Ben Neal
Consulting, Canberra

"I'm passionate about helping organisations understand the potential of their people and how this focus can deliver an outstanding experience for the employee, and outstanding results for the organisation"

Bernadette Ong
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"Having a young family, my vision is that our cities infrastructure enables better connectivity so that we can all spend less time commuting and more time with our families, doing the things we love"

Brett Duell
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I will help Australia leverage technology to become an innovation nation"

Bryony Binns
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"​​My goal is to help employers build diverse, ethical workplaces that optimise both productivity and meaningful workforce participation for all members of our society"

Caleb Khoo
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"My vision is to solve complex tax problems by building trust between taxpayers, the business community, the tax office and society in a manner which promotes certainty and growth"

Calvin Fan
Clients & Strategy, Sydney

"My passion lies with connecting Australia with Asia"

Carter Bovard
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I would like to remove barriers that inhibit the free movement of people across borders- whether they be political, economic, or social, to enhance diversity and collaboration"

Chamilka Ratwatte
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"Family businesses are the backbone of the Australian economy. As a private clients partner my passion is to work with family businesses to help realise their potential!"

Charlie Grover
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I want to help drive our transition to low cost clean energy solutions and facilitate development of infrastructure"

Chelsie Harris
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"My personal agenda is to be a strong role model for women, particularly in PwC's Deals team, demonstrating that career and family success can be achieved simultaneously"

Chris Matthews
Consulting, Melbourne

Chris Rogaris
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"It would be great if everyone in this world had equal access to health"

Chris Vein
Consulting, Sydney

"I am passionate about rebuilding trust in government so that global communities can better solve the biggest challenges facing the world today"

Claire Soccio
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I am passionate about diversity and empowering individuals to identify how they personally contribute to businesses and communities achieving an inclusive culture"

Danny Simmons
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"As a father of three, I am concerned about global warming and other environmental issues which may well have a limited impact on my generation, but potentially a very significant detrimental impact on the next generation (my kids included)"

David Kennett
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"Let's motivate our children to be bold and hunger for radical innovation; stripping barriers and red tape that get in the way"

Diane Rutter
Consulting, Sydney

"I would like to see government putting citizen needs at the forefront when designing policy and delivering services in order to address changing expectations and unique circumstances of all individuals"

Dorothy Hisgrove
Chief People Officer, Melbourne

"In a future of work that will feature more artificial intelligence and analytics, I would like to see talent strategies built around an organisations' social and environmental conscience, so that people, and their unique skills and talents, continue to make the greatest contribution toward accomplishing business outcomes"

Dragan Misic
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I am passionate about helping emerging companies grow and delivering funding for the next generation of Australian icon companies"

Edwin Baghdasarayan
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I'm passionate about using technology and innovation to provide equal access to education, health services and other basic needs to all"

Glenn O'Connell
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"My vision is to help Governments and private stakeholders build an even better Australia by supporting the delivery of priority infrastructure and services to urban and rural communities"

Graham Pond
Assurance, Sydney

"In a world where environmental sustainability, marriage and gender equality are all too often sidelined, it's up to us as individuals to make a difference. I am passionate about taking these things into consideration in my everyday life - unlocking these challenges will deliver immense benefits for all us and our future generations"

Hugh Bergin
Assurance, Melbourne

"I would like to see Australian businesses better embrace innovation and new technologies in order to increase productivity and become more competitive globally"

Iain Tan
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"My vision is to help financial services businesses grow inorganically which, in turn, enables Australian society (individuals and businesses) to build long term and sustainable prosperity"

James Scanlan
Consulting, Sydney

"My purpose is to ensure the individual is not lost in the pursuit of deal value. Put simply, this means I focus on optimising deal outcomes without forgetting the effect my advice has on communities, families and individuals"

James Sherrard
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I am passionate about building a sustainable future"

James Twaddle
Consulting, Sydney

"I am passionate about working together to continue to drive and incentivise economic growth while ensuring we don't create unsustainable inequality"

Joe Short
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I am passionate about finding out how Government can work better with businesses, not for profits, communities and citizens to create a better society for all Australians"

John Hines
Assurance, Sydney

"To build digital trust in our personal and professional lives, making cyberspace a safe environment for both business and leisure"

John Marinopoulos
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I am passionate about working with governments, the private sector and communities to find new ways to enable better planning, funding and financing decisions that will produce sustainable benefits for everyone involved"

John Ratna
Assurance, Melbourne

"I'd like Australia to take on the challenge of supporting and encouraging innovation - how can great ideas access the funding and support they need to become real?"

Jonathan Grasso
Assurance, PNG

"I am passionate about increasing access to, and the quality of, education that is essential for the continuing growth and development of PNG"

Joni Henry
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I want to help solve the access to justice issues in the Australian legal system, not just in the court system, but by improving how legal services are delivered to all our clients in all the sectors we serve - commercial, government, not for profit and pro bono"

Julie McKay
Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Brisbane

“I want every person to reach their full potential and believe that genuine workplace diversity and inclusion is the best lever we have to achieve this”

Justin Grealy
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I am passionate about working with families to develop and implement bespoke plans to effectively and efficiently transfer the ownership of family businesses from one generation to the next with the aim of helping to preserve family owned and operated businesses"

Karen Evans-Cullen
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I would like to see companies prioritise deals which create opportunities to build lasting value for all stakeholders, and markets that reward these strategies"

Kate Eriksson
Consulting, Melbourne

"I'm going to help give Australia courage in confidence to solve problems, design and build digital marketplaces the rest of the world want to experience from Australia"

Larry Dell
Consulting, Melbourne

"My vision is to make Australia the clever country, enabling our nation to be prosperous for generations to come"

Leveasque Peterson
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I am passionate about finding ways to address the increasing incidence of poor mental health in our community and suicide prevention"

Lisa Steadman
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I would like to see tax reform in Australia moved forward to deliver a prosperous and strong Australia for the future"

Liz Stesel
Assurance, Sydney

"I would like Australia to be globally known as the land of equal opportunity - a place where those from any background have the same quality of education, mentoring and support so each individual can achieve their full potential"

Lona Mathis
Assurance, Sydney

"I am passionate about easier and comprehensible access to educational resources for children with learning difficulties"

Mark Pistilli
Financial Advisory, Sydney

Masao Kamiyama
Clients & Strategy, Melbourne

"The globalisation of Japanese companies in the Oceania region through helping them to fully integrate and achieve cultural alignment with local people and businesses"

Megan Brownlow
Assurance, Sydney

"I would like to help shift competitive behaviour in the industry I serve away from combative 'zero sum game' thinking and towards partnerships and win-win negotiation"

Melina Sehr
Assurance, Melbourne

"I would like to see a cure for Alzheimers"

Monty Hamilton
Consulting, Melbourne

"I operate on the belief that digital transformation is industry agnostic and driven by people and culture first - enabled by technology and connectivity. I play an active role in strengthening indigenous participation, practice and entrepreneurship in the digital economy through the IDX initiative"

Niamh Hussey
Assurance, Melbourne

"A gender and culturally diverse workforce is fundamental to Australian success and I'm excited to see so many companies focusing on diversity as a key priority. I look forward to the day when diversity targets are a thing of the past"

Nicky Aldridge
Assurance, Brisbane

"I want to see an end to rising youth suicide rates'"

Nicky Wakefield
Consulting, Singapore

"I am passionate about solving complex problems that benefit the community, society and clients through a focus on inclusion, collaboration, leaders & talent"

Nicola Costello
Assurance, Sydney

"As the world enters the Fourth Industrial Revolution my leadership vision is for all young Australians, irrespective of gender, culture or socioeconomic background, to have the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge to innovate, lead and succeed in a technology driven global economy"

Paul McDougall
Assurance, Canberra

"I am passionate about contributing to better outcomes for those with a mental health illness"

Paul Saward
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I want to help our clients realise their ambitions and solve their problems by leveraging our uniquely integrated multi-disciplinary offering, combining premium legal services with the market leading capabilities of the broader firm to deliver complete and aligned solutions"

Peter Forwood
Consulting, Sydney

"To help societies in Australia and Asia manage the risk of financial crime to make them safer and fairer for all"

Peter Mulquiney
Consulting, Sydney

"Each year there are about 50,000 substantiated findings of child abuse and neglect in Australia. I'd like all children to grow up in safe, stable and loving homes"

Rachael Munro
Financial Advisory, Perth

"I would like to make the world gender equal in all areas, including health, education, politics and finance"

Rebecca Smith
Consulting, Melbourne

"To build an inclusive Australian culture, one that values diversity and inclusion in both business and society"

Richard Royle
Consulting, Brisbane

"I am focussed on working with Governments and the broader health industry to assist in ensuring that all Australians have access to integrated health data that assists them to improve the management of their own health"

Rob Parker
Consulting, Canberra

"My focus is to protect Australian personal and business information and make Australia a safe place to do business"

Robert Di Pietro
Consulting, Melbourne

" To elevate the importance of science and technology disciplines and encourage STEM careers for our nation’s youth, so that we can continue to remain innovative and competitive on the world stage"

Robert Martin
Consulting, GWS

"My goal is to provide stability and security to the digital economy, keeping mums and dads safe, businesses profitable and government effective"

Ross Follone
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I'm passionate about improving Australia's global competitiveness to benefit Australian workers, businesses and consumers by making Australia an attractive place for international investment and by encouraging the next wave of innovation for Australian business"

Russel Howcroft
Clients & Strategy, Melbourne

Ryan McMahon
Assurance, Sydney

"I would like for the Australian economy to develop and transition towards a model that can achieve long term sustainable growth without the heavy reliance on China's growth story and our commodity resources"

Sara Caplan
Consulting, Sydney

"I'd like every Australian to have the opportunity to access educational choices that help them to live a happy, safe and fulfilling life"

Sarah Close
Consulting, Sydney

"My vision is to maximise the potential of our communities through the right infrastructure decisions"

Simon Le Maistre
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I am passionate about helping families appreciate the importance and the benefits of preparing for business and wealth succession early"

Suji Kanagalingam
Consulting, Melbourne

"I am passionate about rebuilding trust in society through achieving social sector equality and improved access to healthcare"

Tamara Brown
Financial Advisory, GWS

"Having worked with businesses in Western Sydney over the past 5 years the prevalence of youth unemployment and homelessness is apparent. I want to see businesses work together to help solve this issue not only for the youth of Western Sydney but Australia as a whole"

Tamika Cullen
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I feel strongly about Australian's embracing a culture that provides equal opportunity for all"

Tiffany Barton
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I believe that by creating rewarding and remunerative careers and investments in regional, rural and remote Australia, we can not only support world class primary production, but also help address societal issues such as housing affordability, youth crime and loss of community spirit"

Tim Lee
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I want to help solve the capital shortage in Australian agribusiness by matching the right investors with quality food and agri companies"

Tony Holland
Financial Advisory, Melbourne

"I enjoy most of all doing innovative deals where there is no precedent or market standard approach"

Trinh Hua
Financial Advisory, Sydney

"I would like people to believe that what is unique about them as individuals is the foundation of a life that is successful for them, in however they choose to define success"

Tristan Hockley
Consulting, Adelaide

(on secondment to Singapore)

"I would like to see Australia take a greater role in helping emerging ASEAN countries build stronger and more inclusive education systems to support the future skills needs of our dynamic region"

Vanessa Brennan
Consulting, Brisbane

"My vision is to bring energy and creativity to ignite our human spirit to help us solve complex problems"

Vishy Narayanan
Chief Digital Officer, Sydney

"I would like to see education, specifically higher education play a bigger role in shaping the future workforce of Australia. To help solve complex problems - through better Government policy and funding, increased level of commercial engagement & partnership with the private sector"

Zac Hatzantonis
Consulting, Melbourne

"I am passionate about early childhood education and social policy reform which tackles inter-generational disadvantage"

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