At PwC, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment where all our people feel they belong. As a large employer, PwC acknowledges the role businesses can play in addressing gender inequality more broadly and the importance of closing the gender pay gap.
PwC Australia’s employee gender pay gap for total remuneration is 6.5 percent* and our median pay gap is 3.9 per cent (as reported by WGEA). While this is significantly lower than the professional services industry average, we acknowledge there is still more to be done and we are committed to further reducing this gap.
As part of PwC’s commitment to transparency, we continue to publicly share our gender and diverse cultural pay gap for both employees and partners in our Transparency Report.
We recognise that our gender pay gap reflects people earlier in their career being paid less than people at more senior levels that have a lower representation of women.
To address this, we’ve focused on inclusive leadership training to reduce bias, equity in remuneration through gender pay gap audits, continued training and emphasis on the importance of an inclusive mindset in performance moderations; and regularly reviewing performance ratings, pay, incentives and promotion equity.
We have also implemented annual pay transparency sessions to help our people understand how their pay is determined and in FY22 we released our pay bands to the market. In FY24, we remain committed to delivering substantive change via our Belonging strategy and focusing on our diversity and inclusion targets.
For more in-depth information, please see our Transparency Report.
*As at 30 June 2023
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