Jason Koutoumas

Jason Koutoumas

Current role: Head of Customer Value Optimisation

Current Organisation: AGL

Last role at PwC: Senior Manager, Strategy&

Time at PwC: 2009 - 2020

LinkedIn profile

Can you describe the company you currently work for, the industry it operates in, and your specific role within the organisation?

Currently, I work at AGL, Australia's largest gentailer, supplying energy to nearly one-third of Australian households. In my role, I oversee AGL's retail strategy and lead our Data Science team. The energy industry is currently going through the most significant transformation we will ever see, and being able to shape how AGL helps drive that shift is enormously satisfying. Simultaneously, AI and machine learning have become mainstream technologies, so this creates a dynamic and stimulating environment to work within.

How has your experience at Strategy& influenced your career and the work you do now?

Like many others before me, the foundational skills I developed at Strategy& paved the way for the opportunities I have today. Consultants are renowned for their sharp analytical thinking, problem-solving prowess, and ability to influence stakeholders. These skills become second nature during one's consulting journey but are less common in industry, making them a valuable point of distinction. For me, this translated into having a seat at the table very early in my tenure at AGL. It also provided the springboard into new opportunities like Data Science. 

What was one of the most memorable projects you worked on at Strategy& and how did it shape your professional skills?

The highlight of my career was definitely the Essential Energy project in Port Macquarie. Enduring the gruelling two-leg plane ride from Melbourne every Monday morning was a pain, but landing at a beach destination for the workweek made it considerably more pleasant.  

On a professional level, working alongside former Strategy& greats like Ian Watt and Rose Landau was fantastic. They knew how to challenge their teams to 'push their thinking' while simultaneously nurturing and motivating them - a skill not all consultants master. The rest of the Strategy& team at Essential Energy was equally great - no big egos, just a genuine willingness to help each other succeed and enjoying the ride.

What advice would you give to current consultants at Strategy& who are looking to transition into industry roles?

Before joining a company, it's important to really understand its senior leadership. This small group plays a key role in shaping the company's ambition while also setting the tone for how things run day to day. Make sure their values and what's important to them align with your own.  

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